Varnama Dustbin Distribution

WAGO took up the clean village project by keeping in mind that they would contribute to the SwachhBharat Mission Swachh Bharat Mission (Clean India Mission) has also benefited financial returns that were earlier spent on various rural household spending as compared to over 10 years Unhygienic conditions are the cause of many infections and diseases

. An increase in infections and diseases impacts a country’s financial condition directly. Health conditions could lead to an increase in potential revenue and a burden on health officials. Due to bad health conditions, India loses about ₹ 26000 every year per household of four members. If we support the mission we will know how there is an increased in the country’s monetary conditions. There are fewer cases of diseases, infections, and diarrhoea due to the increased access to sanitation. .

The Clean India Mission helps in decreasing the burden and improving the sanitation condition in India. Hence WAGO feels that they would like to contribute their CSR funds towards it, by safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, we also propose the need to stay healthy, care for our homes and possessions, and make our surroundings more pleasant. Regular cleaning and disinfecting can do a good job of removing allergens and germs, helping to prevent illnesses and promote wellness. 564 pedal household dustbin were given to each house and 30 awareness posters were put on public palace to make people aware on clean surrounding, save water, energy, De addition etc..

While talking to the women of the community we could explain very well that “Community hygiene helps prevent infectious diseases from spreading throughout a neighbourhood, school, compound, office space, and more. Hygiene practiced regularly creates healthier communities. On a larger scale, community hygiene helps saves lives of young children.Successful hygiene education inspires real and lasting improvements to current hygiene practices. It also promotes positive attitudes towards practices that prevent the spread of disease. It’s something that everyone can learn to do, no matter age, income level, or education attained.”.

Based on evidence of the linkages between poor environmental quality and health, we at VYOM identified several priority problem areas for urgent attention, and we tried to bring the attention of the panchayat member on the same .we have included the same.

VYOM very well believes that when it comes to hygiene, community members must depend on knowledge and concern for each other to stop disease transmission. This is true everywhere, but it’s particularly vital in low to middle income places .Varnama fits the bill as it is a village where healthy community hygiene and sanitation knowledge is not widely accessible. VYOM works in Varnama and was quite ready to implement life-saving community hygiene, sanitation, and safe water access for villages in need. Environmental and community cleanliness are the first steps in the process towards a clean village access..